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Home burglaries are on the rise in many communities!

Q. What can be done to reduce the possibility of home burglaries?

A.  There has been a recent increase of house and vehicle burglaries in the area. Not only should you be aware of the increased risk of this occurrence, but also take steps to reduce the possibility of a burglary at your house or in your neighborhood.

Burglaries can occur at any time, but the majority take place during daylight hours when the house (and an unlocked car in the driveway) is left unoccupied for work or school or even quick errands. Burglars may look for an unoccupied house with easy access through an open window or hidden area around the house, or may watch for vehicles leaving the driveway. Be a good neighbor and keep an eye out for unusual activity in your neighborhood, and report any suspicious activity or vehicles to the police.

The most basic prevention is to be sure to lock doors and windows when you leave your house. If you have an alarm system, use it! Place visible decals on glass doors and windows indicating an alarm system or crime watch system is in place. Use deadbolts and security bars on patio doors, and don’t leave spare keys outside the house. An outdoor light left on while you’re away all day could attract a burglars attention, so install a motion sensor or timer, for both indoor and outdoor lighting.

You should take an inventory of your jewelry and electronics with photos and serial numbers (to be kept in a safe deposit box) and keep valuables out of sight, not on your dresser, but hidden or locked in a safe. When you engrave items for identification, don’t use your social security number.

If you find that your house has been burglarized, call the police immediately from a safe location.